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"7PX and 10PX throttle resolution settings"

페이지 정보

ulSimj  0 Comments  12 Views  24-10-29 17:39 


This article introduces how to adjust the forward resolution with the 7PX and 10PX throttle EPA (endpoint), and use the resolution between the throttle modes "forward 50: brake 50" and "forward 70: brake 30" to achieve your preferred throttle response. 1: Preparation - Update the transmitter software to the latest version. - Set the throttle mode to "forward 50: brake 50". - Set the throttle trim and sub trim values ​​to 0. 2: Setting the endpoint Set the endpoint throttle forward to 140. * Set the throttle response to your preference between 100 and 140. * Increasing the value increases the resolution and makes the throttle response smoother. 3: Adjusting the throttle high point Adjust the high point that is significantly off due to the endpoint setting. Turn on the D/R, ATL power rate and set it to 75 (if the endpoint forward side is 140). *The power rate value will vary depending on the endpoint value, so set the value while checking the high point in the servo view below. 4: Check in servo view In the servo view, open the throttle fully and check the high point value. Adjust the D/R, ATL power rate values ​​so that the high point is what you like. ■ Summary When the throttle endpoint forward value is around 120, the throttle response (resolution) will be close to the 10PX's "forward 60: brake 40", and at 140, the resolution will be slightly lower than "forward 70: brake 30". Especially for those who use 7PX and feel that the throttle response is too rough with "forward 50: brake 50" but too smooth with "forward 70: brake 30", we recommend this setting as it allows you to set the resolution to your liking and fine-tune the throttle response! Thank you to everyone involved who discovered this setting method. m(_ _)m


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