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A former manufacturer's pachinko ban diary

페이지 정보

ulrkfr  0 Comments  8 Views  24-11-18 11:11 


I will update this blog every day as a reminder to stop gambling. Today, I would like to write about how little I can win at pachinko. The other day, I confessed that I used to work for a pachinko manufacturer, but manufacturers are also a business, so they make a profit by selling machines to halls. In the past, there were many pachinko players and at their peak, there were about 18,000 stores. The number of stores has now decreased to around 6,000. There was a time when manufacturers could sell 100,000 units without making a fuss. I left the manufacturer before the coronavirus outbreak, and we were happy if we sold 30,000 units. Also, as the article below says, the number of participants is decreasing, and we cannot expect new entrants from younger generations. Of course, we cannot expect inbound tourism either. So if stores want to make a profit, they have no choice but to exploit us, people with gambling addictions. If people don't go to pachinko parlors, the industry will collapse. Smart manufacturers and halls are gradually expanding into other industries to hedge their risks. Let's stop going to the parlors to eliminate pachinko from Japan. Let's do our best from tomorrow onwards. Cherish each day!! First of all, set a goal of one month. Day 10

I will update this blog every day as a reminder to stop gambling. Today, I would like to write about how little I can win at pachinko. The other day, I confessed that I used to work for a pachinko manufacturer, but manufacturers are also a business, so they make a profit by selling machines to halls. In the past, there were many pachinko players and at their peak, there were about 18,000 stores. The number of stores has now decreased to around 6,000. There was a time when manufacturers could sell 100,000 units without making a fuss. I left the manufacturer before the coronavirus outbreak, and we were happy if we sold 30,000 units. Also, as the article below says, the number of participants is decreasing, and we cannot expect new entrants from younger generations. Of course, we cannot expect inbound tourism either. So if stores want to make a profit, they have no choice but to exploit us, people with gambling addictions. If people don't go to pachinko parlors, the industry will collapse. Smart manufacturers and halls are gradually expanding into other industries to hedge their risks. Let's stop going to the parlors to eliminate pachinko from Japan. Let's do our best from tomorrow onwards. Cherish each day!! First of all, set a goal of one month. Day 10


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