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"March 2023 #2 Macau①"

페이지 정보

ulQEiv  0 Comments  17 Views  24-11-18 16:37 


After tasting my success last time, I came to Macau again at the end of March. This time, I took a direct flight from Shanghai to Macau for the first time in a while. I worked in the morning and headed straight to Macau on an afternoon flight. After arriving in Macau, I took the hotel's free bus from the airport directly to my accommodation, Wynn Palace. A direct flight is definitely more convenient than going via Zhuhai. The rooms at Wynn Palace are... Previously they were blue and red, but now they're yellow! I wonder how many colors there are? The feel of the rooms is the same as the blue and red ones, and they're well-equipped. However, halfway through the room there was an unfamiliar door????, and when I opened it... What? A massage room!!! This is my first time seeing something like this. Looking at the menu, it's 1400MOP for 60 minutes. I'll try it if I win at the casino. Now, I'll put my luggage down and try my luck at baccarat at the casino. This time I'll go with P. I sat down at an empty table and bet 1000 on P without looking at the lines. The two cards I was dealt were A and 4 sides... No good. I opened them and they were 10, totaling 1. B opened 9 and 6 I squeezed out the third P card It was 4 sides again This time I started off losing. What kind of luck had I saved up? I left Win Palace and moved to the neighboring Glaris Palace. There was low-rate BJ here, so I warmed up first. My hand slipped and I took this photo (lol) It was a closed table, so it looks like there were no people, but both sides were wide and there were quite a few customers. I walked around the floor and there were 4 machines each of min300 and 500 I sat down at the 300 and started to fight. I won and lost, but gradually my chips increased, and when it was time to exchange cards, I got up from my seat. Good, good, this is good. I was hungry, so I ate at a Sichuan restaurant in the Glaris Palace Casino. I had mapo tofu, and the waiter asked me if I was okay with spicy food, but I said, "No problem," and tried it. It was super spicy, but delicious. After that, I went back to Wynn Palace and played a min500 BJ!! But then... I lost I lost I lost No good. When I bet 1500, Dealer 6, I split 4-4. I got a 6 for a total of 10, doubled it, then 2 for a total of 12. Another 4, then a 7, doubled it. A 3 came for 14. Against dealer 6... 7, 7 for 20, total lost. Hmm. After that, I lost another split game when I bet 1500. Hmm, hmm. In the end, I gave up the money I'd won at Glaris Palace and started in the negative. Let's do our best starting tomorrow.

After tasting my success last time, I came to Macau again at the end of March. This time, I took a direct flight from Shanghai to Macau for the first time in a while. I worked in the morning and headed straight to Macau on an afternoon flight. After arriving in Macau, I took the hotel's free bus from the airport directly to my accommodation, Wynn Palace. A direct flight is definitely more convenient than going via Zhuhai. The rooms at Wynn Palace are... Previously they were blue and red, but now they're yellow! I wonder how many colors there are? The feel of the rooms is the same as the blue and red ones, and they're well-equipped. However, halfway through the room there was an unfamiliar door????, and when I opened it... What? A massage room!!! This is my first time seeing something like this. Looking at the menu, it's 1400MOP for 60 minutes. I'll try it if I win at the casino. Now, I'll put my luggage down and try my luck at baccarat at the casino. This time I'll go with P. I sat down at an empty table and bet 1000 on P without looking at the lines. The two cards I was dealt were A and 4 sides... No good. I opened them and they were 10, totaling 1. B opened 9 and 6 I squeezed out the third P card It was 4 sides again This time I started off losing. What kind of luck had I saved up? I left Win Palace and moved to the neighboring Glaris Palace. There was low-rate BJ here, so I warmed up first. My hand slipped and I took this photo (lol) It was a closed table, so it looks like there were no people, but both sides were wide and there were quite a few customers. I walked around the floor and there were 4 machines each of min300 and 500 I sat down at the 300 and started to fight. I won and lost, but gradually my chips increased, and when it was time to exchange cards, I got up from my seat. Good, good, this is good. I was hungry, so I ate at a Sichuan restaurant in the Glaris Palace Casino. I had mapo tofu, and the waiter asked me if I was okay with spicy food, but I said, "No problem," and tried it. It was super spicy, but delicious. After that, I went back to Wynn Palace and played a min500 BJ!! But then... I lost I lost I lost No good. When I bet 1500, Dealer 6, I split 4-4. I got a 6 for a total of 10, doubled it, then 2 for a total of 12. Another 4, then a 7, doubled it. A 3 came for 14. Against dealer 6... 7, 7 for 20, total lost. Hmm. After that, I lost another split game when I bet 1500. Hmm, hmm. In the end, I gave up the money I'd won at Glaris Palace and started in the negative. Let's do our best starting tomorrow.


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