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"The only problem I can see is that"

페이지 정보

ulSInL  0 Comments  10 Views  24-11-18 22:09 


A tea ceremony practitioner who is obsessed with metaphor said so. When I walk around the European antique market, I always end up looking for things that can be used as tea utensils... I've recently been obsessed with metaphors for tea utensils, even though I make tea at the table with a tea bowl I painted myself, and I'm slowly becoming obsessed with metaphors for utensils. I have a disease where I see things the same way no matter what I look at. I've also had experience with painting white porcelain, but now, unless it's something extremely rare, I've narrowed down what I want. I've been telling my familiar antique shop, to contact me if they find anything good, but I don't want anything other than Limoges's top out-of-print manufacturer, Nymphenburg, Furstenberg, KPM, or Meissen. The rest are patterned, Vienna kiln, and Sevres fakes, as long as there's something affordable (they're not usually around lol). Right now I'm looking at silverware. Then there's crystal. I've been looking for old Baccarat and Lalique pieces for a long time, and that trend may come again. In Japan, lacquerware and maki-e. If I go a little further, I'm sure I'll find something fabric-related... A shikaku... I'd love to find some good Rococo fabrics here. Some people use them for aesthetic purposes! Things like: Hirajawan Takahai Natsume It's a mystery that can be seen lol

A tea ceremony practitioner who is obsessed with metaphor said so. When I walk around the European antique market, I always end up looking for things that can be used as tea utensils... I've recently been obsessed with metaphors for tea utensils, even though I make tea at the table with a tea bowl I painted myself, and I'm slowly becoming obsessed with metaphors for utensils. I have a disease where I see things the same way no matter what I look at. I've also had experience with painting white porcelain, but now, unless it's something extremely rare, I've narrowed down what I want. I've been telling my familiar antique shop, to contact me if they find anything good, but I don't want anything other than Limoges's top out-of-print manufacturer, Nymphenburg, Furstenberg, KPM, or Meissen. The rest are patterned, Vienna kiln, and Sevres fakes, as long as there's something affordable (they're not usually around lol). Right now I'm looking at silverware. Then there's crystal. I've been looking for old Baccarat and Lalique pieces for a long time, and that trend may come again. In Japan, lacquerware and maki-e. If I go a little further, I'm sure I'll find something fabric-related... A shikaku... I'd love to find some good Rococo fabrics here. Some people use them for aesthetic purposes! Things like: Hirajawan Takahai Natsume It's a mystery that can be seen lol


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도로명  인천시 중구 영종대로 184 메가박스복합상영관 4층 예스피부과
 인천광역시 중구 운서동 3088-31 4층 예스피부과
월    금 AM 10 : 00 - PM 20 : 00
화    목 AM 10 : 00 - PM 19 : 00
토  요  일 AM 09 : 00 - PM 14 : 00
점    심 PM 13 : 00 - PM 14 : 00
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