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"Diamond Princess Day 1-2: Onboard"

페이지 정보

ulYSGD  0 Comments  3 Views  24-11-19 07:26 


Now, let's go on board the Diamond Princess for the first time in 3 years and 10 months. First, hold the medallion and go up from the gangway on the 4th floor to the 5th floor, and you will arrive at the glittering Grand Plaza, the centerpiece of the ship. The Grand Plaza, which is an open space spanning three floors from the 5th to the 7th floors, hosts live music almost all day long, and on the second day, a champagne tower appeared at the captain's formal night cocktail party, and various other events are held. When we boarded the ship, live music was being played. This is what it looks like from above. There is also a see-through elevator, which makes it very gorgeous. The Diamond Princess has elevators at the front, center, and rear, and the 5th to 7th floors and 14th floors and above are public areas, while the rest are fully guest rooms (there are guest rooms on the 5th to 7th floors as well). At the front is the Princess Theater, the ship's main theater, which can accommodate 900 people, and the casino. There is also a bar in the casino. In addition, although I don't have any photos, there are various facilities such as an art gallery, a cigar bar, a wheelhouse bar, and a shop. On the 15th floor, there is a spa and sauna, and beyond that is a gym, which is very important to me! I didn't use it, but the treadmill facing the sea is a great environment. I mainly used the free weight section and the various machine sections. They have everything. On the roof of the ship, there is an outdoor pool and an indoor pool. The outdoor pool has a large screen, and in the morning they do radio calisthenics. At other times, they show movies. The Yokohama Bay Bridge is very picturesque. We arrived at the stern. Around here, there are boards for games that are mysterious to me, and a giant chess set whose rules I don't quite understand. There are various seating areas where you can relax. You can see the passenger ship terminal from the deck. Further away, several cars that have been booked for a drive and cruise are parked. We boarded the ship at around 11:10, and were told that we couldn't enter our room until after 12:00. So we thought we'd have lunch first, but the restaurant didn't open until 11:30, so we took a quick walk around the ship during that time. No matter how many times we board the ship, we never get bored.

Now, let's go on board the Diamond Princess for the first time in 3 years and 10 months. First, hold the medallion and go up from the gangway on the 4th floor to the 5th floor, and you will arrive at the glittering Grand Plaza, the centerpiece of the ship. The Grand Plaza, which is an open space spanning three floors from the 5th to the 7th floors, hosts live music almost all day long, and on the second day, a champagne tower appeared at the captain's formal night cocktail party, and various other events are held. When we boarded the ship, live music was being played. This is what it looks like from above. There is also a see-through elevator, which makes it very gorgeous. The Diamond Princess has elevators at the front, center, and rear, and the 5th to 7th floors and 14th floors and above are public areas, while the rest are fully guest rooms (there are guest rooms on the 5th to 7th floors as well). At the front is the Princess Theater, the ship's main theater, which can accommodate 900 people, and the casino. There is also a bar in the casino. In addition, although I don't have any photos, there are various facilities such as an art gallery, a cigar bar, a wheelhouse bar, and a shop. On the 15th floor, there is a spa and sauna, and beyond that is a gym, which is very important to me! I didn't use it, but the treadmill facing the sea is a great environment. I mainly used the free weight section and the various machine sections. They have everything. On the roof of the ship, there is an outdoor pool and an indoor pool. The outdoor pool has a large screen, and in the morning they do radio calisthenics. At other times, they show movies. The Yokohama Bay Bridge is very picturesque. We arrived at the stern. Around here, there are boards for games that are mysterious to me, and a giant chess set whose rules I don't quite understand. There are various seating areas where you can relax. You can see the passenger ship terminal from the deck. Further away, several cars that have been booked for a drive and cruise are parked. We boarded the ship at around 11:10, and were told that we couldn't enter our room until after 12:00. So we thought we'd have lunch first, but the restaurant didn't open until 11:30, so we took a quick walk around the ship during that time. No matter how many times we board the ship, we never get bored.


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도로명  인천시 중구 영종대로 184 메가박스복합상영관 4층 예스피부과
 인천광역시 중구 운서동 3088-31 4층 예스피부과
월    금 AM 10 : 00 - PM 20 : 00
화    목 AM 10 : 00 - PM 19 : 00
토  요  일 AM 09 : 00 - PM 14 : 00
점    심 PM 13 : 00 - PM 14 : 00
(토요일은 점심시간 없이 진료합니다)


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